You guesses it.  Acutally I haven't even booted the thing up yep, but when I get back to school and start getting the lab in order I will.  Anything is appreciated.


Nate Godin wrote:
On Mon, 22 Jul 2002, Chuck Haines wrote:
WPILA could use a donation if you wish.  We really could use one of the sun 
keyboards at the least.

Playing with my old SparcStation? I used to run it headless, no 
keyboard... need the root password or IP address?


| Chuck Haines		| AIM: CyberGrex	|
| WPILA Lab Manager	| ICQ: 3707881		|
| GDC Webmaster		| Yahoo: CyberGrex_27	|
	"Geek by nature, Linux by choice."