
It might help us a bit if you were to stick a copy of your smb.conf file somwhere we could look at it...

In my experiences setting up samba, I've hit a couple of odd problems..

1. When working with samba I've found selinux to be the bane of my existence so I've been turning it off.
2. Samba is pretty good about logging any problems it encounters...

I hope that helps...


On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:54 AM, Pete Wason <> wrote:
I wil PAY someone to come to my house and help me configure Samba on my CentOS server.

I have three Windows machines set up with an admin user and a non-admin user. I don't really care right now if the non-admin user can access my server, I just want seamless access as admin so I can transfer stuff for my websites without using floppies or CDs. I have lots of money. No, wait, I *don't* have lots of money :) but maybe we can work something out.

If I can make my server an ldap server and set up domain stuff, cool. If not, whatever works.

I also have a Pegasos running MorpOS (which has its own copy of Samba), and a couple of Amiga 3000s which could either be setup with smbfs (which I had working at one point), or they could just FTP to the linux box (assuming I can get SMB access there from the Windoze side). Lot of fun to be had by all!

Open to suggestions,

Pete Wason
   Hy Noom Publications   508.865.5414

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