I'm paranoid, and a lot of spam comes from co.uk....I'm not saying it's not authentic, it just strikes me as odd. On 7/29/07, Ritacco, Alan <Alan.Ritacco@umassmed.edu> wrote:
If I was a betting man, which I am not, I would guess this is a student/researcher/post doc who is using an personal address b/c of the summer. I could be incorrect though.
------------------------------ *From:* wlug-bounces@mail.wlug.org on behalf of Eric Martin *Sent:* Sun 7/29/2007 4:53 PM *To:* Worcester Linux Users Group *Subject:* Re: [Wlug] Programming position at UMass CS
Why is this coming from somebody with a .uk domain?
On 7/27/07, Hanna M. Wallach <hmw26@cam.ac.uk> wrote:
========================================== Software Engineer in Information Extraction and Synthesis Laboratory at UMass.
Work with computer science researchers and other software engineers to revolutionize search over research literature and patents. See our preliminary web portal for computer science researchers at http://rexa.info/faq, and read relevant publications at http://www.cs.umass.edu/~mccallum/papers<http://www.cs.umass.edu/%7Emccallum/papers> .
Open source tools: Linux, Java, MySQL, Apache, ...
Modern methods: Test-driven development using the Java/Spring framework. Feature-rich, Ajax-based web interfaces.
Intellectually stimulating: Learn about cutting edge methods in machine learning, information extraction, web search, data mining, social network analysis.
Serious hardware platforms: 100-CPU cluster, 10Tb disk, fast servers and desktops.
Challenging work: Not cookie-cutter programming. Integrate with machine learning methods; program for high parallelism; devise algorithms for massive scalability. High creativity, intelligence, experience, and independent drive required.
Experienced colleagues: Former VP R&D 170-person startup, extensive professional software engineering experience on the team.
Tuition Benefits: Take UMass Amherst courses while working. Opportunities to publish research papers, if desired.
True search: No internal candidate.
Excellent follow-on prospects: Several others from the lab later got job offers from Google, Yahoo, IBM, Microsoft. (We want someone interested in staying multiple years, though.)
Time off: Five weeks vacation and personal time, plus 13 holidays each year.
Gorgeous location: Amherst, MA: bucolic surroundings plus active culture. Smith, Holyoke, Hampshire and Amherst Colleges all in the neighborhood. Office with window.
================================================ Rexa: http://rexa.info (create free login)
Rexa is a digital library covering the computer science research literature and the people who create it. Rexa is a sibling to Google Scholar, CiteSeer and the ACM Portal. It's chief enhancement is that Rexa knows about more first-class, de-duplicated, cross-referenced object types: not only papers and their citation links, but also people, grants, topics---and in the near future universities, conferences, journals, research communities, and more.
Rexa currently provides: * Keyword search on over 7 million papers (mostly in computer science) * Cross-linked pages for papers, authors, topics and NSF grants * Browsing by citations, authors, co-authors, cited authors, citing authors; (find who cites you most by clicking "Citing authors" on your home page) * Web-2.0-style "tagging" to bookmark papers * Automatically-gathered contact info and photos of author's faces * Analysis of research topics, their impact, and how they relate.
Coming soon: * Much improved coverage of recent CS papers (it's somewhat weak now) * Ability to make corrections to extracted data
Coming later: * Improved ranking, extraction and co-reference accuracy * Much more data mining * Broader coverage of more research fields
Rather than seeing our siblings as competitors, we believe that such services are like "newspapers for the research community", and, just as it is tremendously important that there is not solely one national newspaper, we think there should be many such services. This is especially true since increasingly they will do more than simply supply raw information, but also provide subjective analysis, pattern discovery, and predictions.
Rexa acts as driving application and showcase for our research in machine learning, natural language processing, information extraction, entity resolution, trend analysis and social network analysis. We aim to revolutionize the progress of science by providing new tools to help scientists do their job more effectively.
============================================ Official Job Posting:
The Information Extraction and Synthesis Laboratory within the Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval (CIIR) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst is seeking computer professionals to support its expanding research.
The Software Engineers will design, implement, and maintain software systems. Both positions require experience with programming in Java or C++ and with building software systems, web-based systems experience is a plus. Experience preferred in Unix, Network, shell script programming and one or more of the following: information retrieval, natural language processing, text and information extraction processing, and database systems.
Software Engineer 1: B.S. in computer science or related field, or equivalent combination of education, training and experience, plus 2-4 years experience or equivalent. M.S. preferred. Hiring Range: $39,200 - $55,400. Respond to Search #R25014.
Senior Software Engineer: M.S. in Computer Science or equivalent and 2-4 years of related work experience. Demonstrated leadership ability required; project management experience preferred. Hiring Range: $47,600 - $65,000. Respond to Search #R26907.
To apply, send a letter with your resume and three letters of recommendation to: Search {# from above}, Computer Science Department, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003-9264. These positions are grant-funded; renewal beyond one year contingent upon continued funding. Review of applications will continue until the available positions are filled.
The University of Massachusetts is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and members of minority groups are encouraged to apply. _______________________________________________ Wlug mailing list Wlug@mail.wlug.org http://mail.wlug.org/mailman/listinfo/wlug
_______________________________________________ Wlug mailing list Wlug@mail.wlug.org http://mail.wlug.org/mailman/listinfo/wlug