On Wednesday 31 March 2004 12:35 pm, Gregory Avedissian wrote:
Has anyone had luck with linux and Verizon DSL? They're down to $35/month, and they give you the modem. Anyone know of better deals?
verizon is the cheapest ive seen in our area ... i use it out in holden and the service has been perfect the last few years ... if you can get speakeasy, i'd shell the few extra dollars out for them (too bad they dont have service in holden for me though :() ... speakeasy knows linux and offers technical support for no extra $$$ i started using them when they first started offering DSL and they sucked horribly ... but they have gotten their act together and i havent had troubles since personally i use a gentoo linux router that connects with PPPoE and hosts dns (with dnsmasq)/dhcp/NAT for about 6 linux machines and 5 windows machines ... never had troubles that were my fault :) do *not* try to contact technical support from verizon, the vast majority are stupid and just read off of the screen in front of them ... i only ever talked to one guy that knew what 'linux' was and that was after hours of being on the phone (this was back when their hardware would go dark for days on end) if need/want help i wouldnt mind stopping over to lend a hand ... assuming you live in the worcester area :) -mike