Emacs' mail reader easily does this. A good friend of mine is an emacs user and has a single folder which he treats just like GMail -- search for what you want. It has saved searches (virtual folders) and all that jazz. Been around for a long ole' time. I'd bet a pretty penny there are quite a few other equivalents as well. You still have to maintain and backup the box though of course :) --Brock On 2004., Chuck Haines wrote: | Well I do run linux, but I like the way gmail does things. Gmail does | email a little differently than most people not using folders, but the | more I'm using it the more I'm liking it. If there was an email | solution that I could install on my linux box that give the same | filtering and searching and labels that google does, I'd use it. Not | to mention by using gmail it's someon else's problem for keeping the | network up and backing up my data. I've got plenty of linux boxes I | use but most broadband these days still gives me trouble for | reliability. | | Chuck