April 2, 2001
10:34 a.m.
Thanks, making it executable seems to have done the trick. On Monday 02 April 2001 00:55, you wrote:
From: Michael Long <michaellong@charter.net>
I have been playing with my network settings today and have made a change that has caused my system to be unable to read this file during boot up. Also any script that tries to read from it is unable to. Unfortunately I have no idea what I did to cause this. The following is the out put from 'ls -l'
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 235 Jan 30 19:59/ etc/rc.config.d/idedma.rc.config
Looks readable to me. Can you 'cat' it? (or 'more' or 'less' it?) Are you sure the script is not trying to _execute_ it?
I am running SuSE 7.0.
I'm not, so I don't have that file. Or even that directory.