On Mon, Sep 02, 2002 at 06:45:59PM -0500, Richard Goodman wrote: dick> 1) During startup eth0 comes up but eth1 does not. My notes on the dick> previous installation [year ago?] don't show that I did anything dick> special when I installed the Realtek (was previously also DEC 2104x) dick> but that doesn't mean I just didn't write it down. Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 and make sure "ONBOOT=yes" is in there. Could you post that file so we can look at it? Run "/sbin/ifconfig eth1". What does that show? If it says "Device not found" then most likely the driver module isn't loading. If not, check /etc/modules.conf. It should have a line for eth1 like so: alias eth1 foobar where "foobar" is the name of the driver module for the Realtek. There are a couple different possibilites for the driver, since they made some different cards with different chipsets. Try ne2k-pci and 8139too. You can also try running /usr/sbin/setup as root and going to "Network configuration". dick> 2) dhcpd won't run, but I assume that's related to #1. Was surprised dick> that dhcpd wasn't loaded during install, as I flagged eth1 as dhcp. What do you mean you flagged eth1 as dhcp? That sounds like you mean "Use DHCP to get the address for eth1". If that is the case, then you want a DHCP *client*, not the dhcpd server. That would be either pump or dhcpcd or dhclient. pump, at the least, should always be installed by Red Hat's installer. If you really wanted a DHCP server, then you would have to install Red Hat's package dhcp-2.0pl5-8.i386.rpm (or my packages for the latest ISC release 3.0.1rc9, available at ftp://angus.ind.wpi.edu/pub/packages/isc/dhcp). You need to be careful that you configure the server correctly to only listen for requests on your internal LAN eth1 (for my packages, edit /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd and put INTERFACES=eth1 in there). dick> 3) how do I know whether IPchains or IPtables is active, and how do I dick> switch. Considering the time involved so far, I think I'd rather dick> delay switching to IPTables and use my existing IPChains firewall for dick> now. Can I still hook it in at the end of rc.local? Red Hat defaults to IPchains, even now. You can put your ipchains statements into /etc/sysconfig/ipchains, and it should be executed automatically at boot. Note that the file format isn't a shell script, but rather the output of "/sbin/ipchains-save". You can run a shell script to set up the rules and then run "/sbin/service ipchains save" to save them for you in the right place. dick> 4) During install I did answer some firewalling questions (set to dick> medium, custom) -- where is the results of that dialog? /etc/sysconfig/ipchains Also, since the ipchains stuff is started as a system service, you need to make sure it is configured to start up automatically: /sbin/chkconfig ipchains on dick> 5) If I can use my existing IPChains firewall, that will take care of dick> IP Masquerade -- if not can I have some guidance as to what direction dick> to take. Well, does your existing IPChains firewall do IP Masquerade? If so, run the existing firewall script and do "/sbin/service ipchains save" to save it in /etc/sysconfig/ipchains. Note that this might not be flexible enough e.g. if you get a dynamic IP address from your ISP, in which case the rules might need to change slightly each time the firewall script is run. If you do use the above method, you'd need to make sure IP forwarding is also turned on in /etc/sysctl.conf. An alternative to using the /etc/sysconfig/ipchains and sysctl.conf stuff is to put your firewall script into /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-post. After it runs the /sbin/ipchains commands, it would manually turn on IP forwarding with a "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward". dick> 6) httpd comes up but says "cannot resolve hostname, using" dick> - what did I forget to configure? (I haven't touched httpd.conf yet.) Set your hostname in /etc/sysconfig/network, and put an entry for your host in /etc/hosts with the right IP address. dick> 7) issue and issue.net used to be set from rc.local, but no more -- dick> where are they set? I'd like to patch that out and be a bit more dick> anonymous. Yes, Red Hat has finally come to their senses and doesn't put anything in rc.local by default anymore. You can just edit /etc/issue and /etc/issue.net with a text editor, and they won't be touched by anything. -- Charles R. Anderson <cra@wpi.edu> / http://angus.ind.wpi.edu/~cra/ PGP Key ID: 49BB5886 Fingerprint: EBA3 A106 7C93 FA07 8E15 3AC2 C367 A0F9 49BB 5886