Dec. 12, 2006
5:02 p.m.
==> On Tue, 12 Dec 2006 11:40:53 -0500, Bill Mills-Curran <bill@mills-curran.net> said: Bill> On Tue, Dec 12, 2006 at 09:12:27AM -0500, Jeff Moyer wrote: Bill> > To: Bill Mills-Curran <bill@mills-curran.net> Bill> <snip> Bill> > Bill> > Get the output from the 'dmesg' command and post it here as a follow-up. Bill> > Bill> > -Jeff Bill> Jeff, Bill> Here it is. Well, that didn't actually list the problem, so given that the X server has problems every boot, I'd say the two are unrelated. Someone else mentioned checking the X server logs. I think that is a good place to start. -Jeff p.s. Nuked the BLU CC since I can't post there.