Here is a great opportunity to go to a professional Sysadmin/Linux/UNIX conference right here in Boston. Early Bird registration ends Monday. ===================================== Invitation to attend: The 25th Annual Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA) ---------------------------------------------------------------- LISA is coming to Boston, December 4-9, 2011. With the addition of new speciality presentations and training, the breadth and quality of this year's tutorials, refereed papers, invited talks, and participants is unparalleled. 2011 LISA Conference highlights include: * The technical program with must-see invited talks such as: - The DevOps Transformation - The Operational Impact of Continuous Deployment - IBM's Jeopardy!-winning Watson Supercomputer * Practice and Experience presentations sharing real-life experiences on topics ranging from configuration management to security. * Over 40 tutorials taught by top instructors including: - Tobi Oetiker on RRDtool - Tom Limoncelli on Time Management for SysAdmins - Ted Ts'o on Data Recovery - Nan Lui on Puppet - Mark Burgess on Cfengine * "Guru Is In" sessions: get answers to your toughest questions. * The Vendor Exhibition highlighting new products and services and a look at who is hiring. * LISA's famed "hallway track" offers ample opportunity to meet and mingle with colleagues and industry leaders during breaks, BoFs, and other social activities. ----------------------------------------------------------- WHAT: LISA '11: 25th Large Installation System Administration Conference WHEN: December 4-9, 2011 WHERE: Boston, Massachusetts, USA Sheraton Boston Hotel WHO: System administrators, network administrators, DevOps, CIOs, CTOs, researchers, tool providers, support and help desk personnel, etc. WHY: Get the practical information you need to succeed. HOW: http://www.usenix.org/lisa11/progm Massive Discounts for Early Registration -- REGISTER NOW! ---------------------------------------------------------------- PS: Help us promote! -- Banners and buttons: http://www.usenix.org/events/lisa11/promote.html -- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=283935088299936 -- Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/LISAConference #lisa11