OK. That produced an output such as: 005p080_081 038p332_333 040p392_393 100p112_113 405p074_075 414p230_231 005p082_083 038p372_373 040p414_415 1044p39v_14 405p092_093 414p338_339 005p094_095 038p378_379 040p450_451 1052p211v_2 405p196_197 414p428_429 005p118_119 038p400_401 040p472_473 105p076_076 405p232_233 414p467_468 005p124_125 038p426_427 040p482_483 106p396_397 405p250_251 416p064_065 005p126_127 038p438_439 041p010_011 107p504_505 405p322_323 416p174_175 005p150_151 038p590_591 041p068_069 107p512_513 405p328_329 416p198_199 416p212_213 424p174_175 433p248_249 457p314_315 504p204_205 762Ap254_25 416p294_295 425p006_007 434p216_217 459p068_069 661Ap032_03 762Ap266_26 417p052_053 426p034_035 434p256_257 459p164_165 661p028_029 762p130_131 it printed to terminal. The ls command with redirect into text file did work though! All it needed then was to copy/paste into word processor, then format into colums, select font & type size. We got 500 filenames on 2 pages horizontal. That's our checklist --it's done. Looks good. We're happy. Thanks again, Liz On 8 May 2012 20:18, Theo Van Dinter <felicity@kluge.net> wrote:
On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 7:59 PM, E Johnson <iris.gates@gmail.com> wrote:
A text file containing 500 names would print on just the left-hand side of who-knows how many pages. We need this in a word processor doc, which we can make into columns, then print on only 2 or 3 sheets. It's just for reference, so we know if we already have this file in our directory.
So you want something similar to the terminal ls output, ie: filenames in columns? You can do something like "ls | pr -6tT" which will generate a 6 column output w/ the filenames. You can further tweak pr with other options.
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