This is a question for those cups guru's out there. I'm trying to write a custom perl script for cups that does accounting. I have a database with users and quotas and I'm writing a filter for cups that checks to make sure the user has enough left on their balance before printing. I was curious how I would go about sticking this into the cups filtering chain. I've been reading up on the cups docs but I'm still kinda confused on where to put it. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, -- Chuck Haines chaines@gmail.com http://www.maxslack.com ------------------------------------------- Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity TKE-ZM Web Coordinator ECE Systems Administrator ------------------------------------------- AIM: CyberGrex YIM: CyberGrex_27 ICQ: 3707881 ------------------------------------------- GPG Fingerprint: 303A AB50 4EA9 70ED 2E30 2368 C9CD CCB5 4BD7 0989 GPG Key: http://www.maxslack.com/gpgkey.txt