I just wanted to comment that installing Windows 7 is a significantly improved experience and its relative difficulty is probably not a selling point for Linux. 

Linux has plenty of other selling points and I've installed eeebuntu- NBR 3.01 on my wife's netbook, and it works really well but not perfectly.  The installation was not foolproof though ( because a certain fool botched it without realizing it for about 2 months.)  And some of the settings (acpi, for example) still need to modified in a text editor.

Windows 7 on my quad core is not perfect either, (native backup is problematic, and something's keeping native DVD burning from working) but it also works really well.

On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 2:41 PM, Sean Flynn <sflynn@flynnsplaza.com> wrote:
I was wondering about why the original poster wanted to buy a system
with FreeBSD/Linux installed by the manufacturer. Was the intent to
support a freebsd/Linux friendly vendor, or was it to make everything

If possible I like to support Linux friendly vendor. But I can easily
say that installing Linux is incredibly easy, especially when compared
to installing windows, I don't know if you can justify extra cost just
to support a Linux friendly vendor.
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