HELP! I seem to have done something very bad (SVB) to rpm. And, it seems to be painfully reproducible (I did it to two machines). Short explanation: 1. Do some rpm command (I was using "rpm -e", I think). 2. Ctrl-C out. You won't get the shell prompt back. Now, that user account can no longer do any rpm commands from any session -- it always hangs. You can kill -9 the existing rpm processes, but nothing I've tried helps until reboot. Longer explanation: 1. I wanted to upgrade a couple of packages: perl-GD and perl-Chart. I don't know where I got the old packages :-( , but I made some new ones of my own. 2. Instead of doing "rpm -F", I forgot that the perl modules were installed from an rpm in an older perl library area, and I deleted the module files (rm). (oops) (Is this clear?) 3. When attempting to install the new rpm's, I got error messages, so I tried "rpm -e" on the old package. That failed due to dependencies, so I added "--nodep" to the command. This was taking a long time (hung?), so I ctrl-c'ed out. Now all rpm commands (from the root account) hung. 4. I rebooted this morning. The rpm commands were working ok (at least "rpm -qa" worked), so I tried "rpm -F <packageFileName>" (as root), and it's hung. 5. From another window (also as root), "rpm -qa" hangs again. 6. From a different account, "rpm -qa" works fine. HELP! 1. How do I fix things and get my new packages in? 2. Is the database corrupted? 3. If the database is corrupted, how do I fix it? Thanks, Bill