On Thursday 02 August 2001 17:18, Wesley Allen wrote:
Hello all, I've got some nice type 1 fonts that I want to insert for use in X and in ghostscript. Can anyone run though the right command sequences to do this?
Sure, Wes. It really isn't difficult, and you'll be pleased to know there are many ways you can do it. Have you found the web site http://www.linuxdoc.org yet? At linuxdoc there is an excellent set of documentation that's well written and easy to understand. They have a search engine, and entering Type 1 fonts should lead you to a HOWTO on how to do it. Have said that, two things need to happen: 1) X has to know where to find the fonts 2) The directory needs to have a special file called fonts.dir X knows where to look for fonts based on data in its configuration file, /etc/X11/XF86Config In there, look for one or more lines starting with FontPath You can just add a line, FontPath "path to your Type1 fonts directory" OR you can copy your fonts (both the .afm and .pfb files) to where the rest of the Type 1 fonts are, and dispense with editing XF86Config. By default, the Type 1 fonts are in a subdirectory of /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts OR if you are using a font server, you can edit another file instead. I won't cover that possibility. Check out the HOWTOs for more info. Having done one of the above, X should be able to find your fonts. The next requirement is to create or update a file called fonts.dir in the directory where your new fonts are now located. Red Hat updates fonts.dir for you at boot time automatically. Yours may as well. But you can create the file by connecting to the directory and typing rm -f fonts.dir && ttmkfontdir . Restart your X environment and see if your <program> can see your fonts. Good luck, Skip