Oct. 26, 2004
2:16 p.m.
==> Regarding [Wlug] FC3 + weird gui issue...; "Keller, Tim" <Tim.Keller@stratus.com> adds: Tim.Keller> I recently upgraded this machine (was running FC2) to FC3 Tim.Keller> test3. Everything works great, but I noticed one really odd Tim.Keller> anomaly. Tim.Keller> If I open up an app, and move it to the second head (this Tim.Keller> machine has duel monitors and is running Xinerama) it Tim.Keller> disappears from the task bar. Now if I pick the app up and Tim.Keller> move it back over to the primary monitor it reappears on the Tim.Keller> task bar. Tim.Keller> I've routed through the settings, and nothing *looks* amiss. Tim.Keller> Anybody got any ideas? I haven't heard of this. File a bugzilla. -Jeff