Bill> First, I was talking to someone about accessing the RAZR from Bill> Linux via USB. (Sorry-- I'm terrible with names.) The program Bill> that I use is moto4lin, and is available for free from Bill> SourceForge at: http://moto4lin.sourceforge.net/wiki/Main_Page . I think I remember using this tool to access my V551 via BlueTooth on my linux box, but it was a pain. I may have ended up going into KDE instead of gnome and browsing to bluetooth:// instead. In any case, it's a pain. If you want to sync your phone so you don't lose your contacts and such, try the service on yahoo. http://mobile.yahoo.com where I was able to upload my phone book quite easily over a web connection. It's a work phone, so I don't worry about the costs. *grin* Bill> One may (or may not) need p2kmoto, which is available from: Bill> http://sourceforge.net/projects/moto4lin (the information is Bill> available from the main page). Has anyone else gotten it to work reliably with BlueTooth? Bill> All-told, the installation of both parts are covered in the Bill> documentation, and it's pretty straight-forward. But the moto4lin website sucks rocks. Who is crazy enough to think a wiki is a web site? Bill> Second, I had asked several about Ruby tutorials, and mentioned Bill> that I found one source that was a bit... ...odd, though I Bill> couldn't remember the name of it. It is "Why's (Poignant) Guide Bill> to Ruby, which is found at http://poignantguide.net/ruby/ . Bill> Third, as for a list of what my employer has for what we are Bill> getting rid of, we're in the process of building a list... When Bill> something is available, I'll let you know. :) Oh! Post to the list so we vultures can gather around. Whee! John