Would anyone here HAPPEN to know of any yum repositories for Aurora Linux (Sparc flavor, 1.0 is based on RH 7.3, 1.9x is based on Fedora)? I've been looking for a repository for upgrading my 1.0 installation to the latest 1.91/1.92, but I cannot find an up-to-date repository. 8( (For anyone that's curious, I'm running Aurora on my Sparc Ultra60...) Any assistance would be greatly appreciated... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- William Smith wsmith-at-chezsmith-dot-com Fall River, MA http://www.chezsmith.com "Uncouple faith from truth altogether, and bad things can happen. People come to believe without truth, and then the truth becomes something nobody will believe." -- Charles P. Pierce (in 'The Truth About Polygraphs', 2003/10/03 edition of Boston Globe Magazine, p18) * TAG! v3.1a *