==> Regarding Re: [Wlug] Re: Attach File(s) problem; Keith Wright <kwright@free-comp-shop.com> adds:
From: Chuck Anderson <cra@WPI.EDU>
On Tue, Oct 25, 2005 at 12:06:32AM +0000, Ken Jones wrote: > Chuck, how did you know about gam_server?
It is the bane of my existence. Even the latest version has issues.
kwright> I had never heard of gam-server, so I did what I always do when I kwright> don't know. I typed it into Google. kwright> The first page told me that it uses 100% CPU, deadlocks, forks, kwright> loops, leaks memory, segfaults, crashes and chokes. kwright> The second page told me the same thing in Italian, French, German, kwright> Portugese(I think) and Spanish. kwright> By page 20 I had learned to curse in most west European Languages kwright> and Chinese. I don't know enough Japanese or Czech learn much, kwright> but something told me they weren't happy either. I got to the kwright> message where Google offers to repeat the search with redundant kwright> messages included and stil don't know what it is _supposed_ to do. kwright> processi che si prendono tutta la cpu sono gam_server. Un truc kwright> bizarre m'est arrivé: gam_server dovuti a crash di gam_server, ma kwright> non capisco gam_server hingegen läuft irgendwie amok procurei kwright> saber o que era esse "gam_server" Ich habe den gam_server in kwright> Erwägung gezogen. Ein killall gam_server oder kill -9 gam_server kwright> ne veux pas lacher /media/cdrom0 proces gam_server serozhodne kwright> zlobit na procesoru (na mobilnÃm Pentiu III @ 1200 MHz) to je kwright> bug, nekolik verzà :-( kwright> I upgrade it with a simple: make; make install; killall kwright> gam_server It always worked fine. kwright> That last guy seems to be the only happy one within range of a kwright> Google search. Very amusing. ;) Sounds like there's some low hanging fruit if anyone is looking to get involved in a project. ;) For a description of what it does, see /usr/share/doc/gamin-<n-v-r>. From the README: ,---- | Gamin is a file and directory monitoring system defined to be | a subset of the FAM (File Alteration Monitor) system. | | The main goals of the project are: | 1/ minimize the security model of FAM | 2/ simplify the code base | 3/ provide an API and ABI compatible replacement for FAM | 4/ try to fix some other issues like resource consumption `---- -Jeff