I'm broadening the search a bit, and was wondering if anyone can recommend some local hardware shops... By way of repeating my situation, and giving a bit more detail, I have a SECC2 (a.k.a. slot 1) PIII 850 processor that won't run on my motherboard (an Intel SE440BX-2 Slot 1 type) because of motherboard rev issues. I am offering a swap for a SECC2 PIII running at 550 or 600. I am also now looking to see if anyone knows of a local source for a motherboard capable of running a Slot 1 PIIIs at 850. This is older technology (Intel no longer make Slot 1), so I need to see what I can find that is already in the distribution channel. I really like Intel boards, so Intel would be my first choice. Anyone know of a local source, Intel or otherwise? Thanks! Steve