I agree it's not ok to share your address book, but accidents happen.  That, and I was more getting at the fact that X service doesn't have our individual email addresses.

On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 9:34 PM, E Johnson <iris.gates@gmail.com> wrote:
I should have made that more clear.

Mail-list address or not, Iit still is not okay to give the WLUG email
address to any other entities whatsoever. Someone shared the WLUG a
mailing address with a certain social/commercial website. Then
secondhandedly WLUG mailing list contacted x number of individual
contacts on behalf of the social/commercial website The message
included a direct link to this commercial website. List members were
invited to click on this link, or else to click on the UNsubscribe

Even sharing the WLUG contact address with outside entities is Non-OK.
We all got Spammed because someone decided it was okay to give our
email to ___.com..

Liz J

If what you are getting online is for free, you are not the customer,
you are the product. -Jonathan Zittrain, professor of Internet law (b.

On 23 March 2012 21:09, Eric Martin <eric.joshua.martin@gmail.com> wrote:
> To clarify Liz, Linked In doesn't have your email address.  They have
> wlug@wlug.org, and that contact opened X hundred emails.

Wlug mailing list

Eric Martin