Thankfully, fewer reboots and maximized uptime will become a feature in most distro/OSs.

RHEL has kpatch

Ubuntu has Live kernel patching and the new needrestart package

Windows 2022 (😂😁😂)

Hopefully the future will have fewer reboots since the pace of vulnerabilities doesn't seem to be slowing down at all. I, for one, am very happy to see the technology maturing to match reality. 😁

Enjoy the weekend!

On Thu, Apr 21, 2022 at 10:06 AM Michael Voorhis via WLUG <> wrote:
Additionally if you never reboot, how do you know the machine WILL
reboot?  How do you know what the system will do after a power failure,
etc?  Fate will intervene at some point and force you to reboot whether
you want to or not, so you should be prepared with the knowledge of how
the system will respond to that.

On 4/21/22 09:54, David Glaser via WLUG wrote:
> It you kept it up all of the time, how would you apply updates that
> require a re-boot?