Tim> The argument for pgp signing your emails is that it makes it Tim> harder for others to spoof your email address. Yes. I understand that aspect. Iwas (poorly) talking more to the usability aspects of PGP signing emails. The tools make it hard and annoying from what I see. Tim> If I send you an email signed with my private key and the public version of my key is a place Tim> where your email client can access it, your email client can validate that the email originated Tim> from me. John> I've never found a personal need for this myself. Tim> Lucky you that you've never had your email address harvested from Tim> a public list and then used to spam lots of people... Well, my personal email is from a server I control with SPF setup properly, so it's harder to fake stuff from em without it automatically getting binned as spam. Which is a good thing. It's not perfect of course...