From: Ross Hecox <rhecox@advertising.com>
We reach more people than Google. Thought that would get your attention.
It got my attentions for the 250 milliseconds needed to decide that a moron wrote it. Are you sure you wanted my attention?
Advertising.com is one of the most successful companies in online advertising
(1) Spam must die. (2) Advertising is a tape-worm in the belly of the beast.
and we're looking for someone just like you
Why do advertisers keep talking about people just like me? I think of myself as a unique individual. If you can't cope with that, you must be looking for someone else.
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I am but one individual, but in accordance with your expressed wishes, I will do what I can to ensure that this confidential advertisement is seen by as few people as possible and that they do not take any action upon it. -- Keith