==> Regarding [Wlug] Find command -name; Karl Hiramoto <karl@hiramoto.org> adds: karl> Hi all I'm trying to use a command (anything but my best guess now karl> is 'find'). karl> I want to list files that end in the number 8-16 if they exist karl> for example finding names 5-9 is easy: karl> $ find /dev/vc -name [5-9] /dev/vc/9 /dev/vc/8 /dev/vc/7 /dev/vc/6 karl> /dev/vc/5 karl> I'm having problems though with numbers higher than 10. karl> $ find /dev/vc -name [5-16] /dev/vc/6 karl> I only get 6 back.. karl> Any ideas? There are about a billion different ways to do this, and everyone you talk to will do it differently, I'd bet. For starters, this should work: find /dev/vc | grep -E "*([5-9]|1[0-6])" You should take a look at the regex(7) man page. -Jeff