Is introducing yet-another-flavor-of-linux useful?  I understand what you are trying to achieve, but one of the first questions that came to my mind was "what is the difference between Knoppix and a regular Linux distro"?  (The first was actually "what the hell is Knopix"!)  Will it be confusing to the people looking at is verusus what they see when they look at SuSe, Red Hat, etc.?

Andy Stewart wrote:
On Monday 01 September 2003 4:52 pm, wrote:

I think a great topic especially for the new students would be "Fast Track
to Linux" where you introduce the GNOME and KDE desktops and a few of your
favorite tools and utilities.

Al Butler

HI Al,

My most current thoughts are centered on Linux, its origins, the GPL, 
WLUG/WPILA, and then segue into single CD demo distributions for folks who 
want to "kick the tires", as it were, without fully committing their hard 
drives to Linux.  

One such single CD demo distribution is Knoppix, which does have KDE (and 
GNOME?).  Once Knoppix is running, many things could be demonstrated.  If I 
go with this idea, I'd want to have copies of the Knoppix CD available for 
people to take home, and hopefully they would try it at their leisure.

How does that sound?  Do people have additional ideas?  Let's hear them!  :-)



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