Mike Peckar wrote:
Hey Andy,
I read with interest about your installfest on the listserve (I pile up emails and pour through infrequently) and I'm sorry I missed it - I find myself in need of an upgrade on one of my boxes.
Hi I was at the installfest but, since we had an excess of installers, I decided to sit next to Chuck and suck up expertise by osmosis. The bottom line is that, back home the next morning, I was able to do a full network install of Red Hat 7.1 --- not bad for an amateur/newbie. The bottom line is that, if you have broadband access (I have a cable connection with the town cable company in Shrewsbury) you can suck the whole works off Chuck's mirror at WPI. You can get more details tomorrow night at the WLUG meeting or, if you are in a hurry, first ftp to and move to /pub/mirrors/redhat/linux/7.1/os/i386/images and do a directory listing. You will see a file bootnet.img; download it. Then copy it to a good floppy. Specifically, dd if=/home/bootnet.img of=/dev/fd0 bs=1440 (but, if you, like I, do not trust floppies, precede this with /sbin/badblocks -v /dev/fd0 1440 to make sure floppy disk is ok) At this point you boot from that floppy and a Red Hat install screen comes up and you just follow the instructions for an upgrade. Just press enter at the initial boot prompt to get the option at the top of that first screen -- install/upgrade. When asked for installation method pick FTP. If your box normally uses DHCP pick that on the next screen, otherwise (my case) enter its IP dotted quad etc. When asked for the source, again use and use /pub/mirrors/redhat/linux/7.1/os/i386 for the directory. (do not check use non-anonymous FTP) The Red Hat process will take over from there. You will see lots of activity on the ethernet card lights as the ramdisk stuff is downloaded. This tells you that you got things right up to this point! :-) A couple of screens later you get to pick the class of install. You would want Upgrade. The rest is downhill and pretty obvious, even to me. doug -- Douglas R Waud, Professor Emeritus -- Pharmacology University of Massachusetts Medical School Mailing address: 17 Lantern Lane, Shrewsbury, MA 01545-2006