On Sat, 19 Jan 2002, Andy Stewart wrote: AS>On Saturday 19 January 2002 12:42 pm, you wrote: AS>> "But the AOL software could be configured to override Windows and launch AS>> a version of Red Hat's Linux operating system, sources said." AS>> AS>> Override and launch? Does anyone know what they mean here? Are they AS>> talking about clicking on the AOL icon and booting into linux?? well, i know that there was a Be demo that kinda did that... you install this 53MB mess, and there's this icon on Win*... you hit the icon and Magic happens, where Be completely takes over. i don't know the full details of how that worked, but i've seen it. i've never seen Linux do that, though. AS>That sounds like a non-tech person trying to write about a technical topic AS>and having it come out all wrong. just like Radio Shack! <gd&r> AS>I wonder if they were trying to hint AS>about the possibility of making the AOL client software run on Linux. THAT would be interesing. there used to be a site at www.aolinfo.com or something that had some preliminary information on how the AOL client worked (complete with a sample bye-for-byte exchange). i snagged most of it, which may be a Good Thing... that site isn't available anymore. -- William Smith wsmith@chezsmith.com Fall River, MA http://www.chezsmith.com