I picked up a Cowon iAudio U3 a few weeks ago after and exhaustive search for a player with a good amount of memory (2GB) and plays ogg and flec files. Anyway, I've been burning my CDs to ogg/vorbis as time allows to build a library for myself and recently burned my old copy of Mike Oldfield's _Amarok_. I honestly never made the connection between the name of the album and my new favorite media player, but when I started playing amarok.ogg in the Amarok player this morning this popped up: "One of Mike Oldfield's best pieces of work, Amarok, inspired the name behind the audio-player you are currently using. Thanks for choosing Amarok! Mark Kretschmann Max Howell Chris Muehlhaeuser The many other people who have helped make Amarok what it is" Cool! Just thought I'd share that. :-) -- Gary