Last night after going to the B several of us ended up in the parking lot chatting about a variety of things including classic video game emulation, microsoft bashing, and creating a WLUG series of videos. Last night, it seemed like a great idea to make some kind of linux based show and distribute those videos for free (over the internet, possible on VCD as well). There were several ideas, including a social commentary (ala "geeks in space" http://www.thesync.com/geeks/), a tech-help show answering emails (http://www.techtv.com/callforhelp/), and instructional videos (just think of that comercial for the windows videos... "Just like a VCR, pop the cd into the computer, hit play, and learn"). Personally, I like the last idea best since it really can provide value for the community (as opposed to providing entertainment). We had also thought that a shorter 15-minute style video would be a great way to start. Personally, I'm in favor of "What is linux, and why is it good for you". So I guess the questions are, do people think this is still a good idea (as opposed to an idea made after consuming too much beer). Would people be willing to help? What resources can people donate to a project like this? -Marc This might be usefull: Cinelerra (New version of Broadcast 2000): http://heroinewarrior.com/cinelerra_081202.php3