On Sat, 2 Nov 2002 02:26:16 -0500 (EST) Karl Hiramoto <karl@zoop.org> wrote: KH> It's your own fault for having a crappy dialup and not getting KH> message headers before downloading the whole thing :) so KH> apparently ANYONE could send you a large file and cause the same KH> problem. (1) not everyone can afford Broadband or DSL. i don't even have CABLE, for crying out loud! (2) i'm not as quich to react as our friend. if i were a betting man, i'd wager my connection is slower than his (mine is a whopping 31.2kbps 'cause i have dirty (old?) lines and my lease says that i have to foot the bill to clean them if i want better), but i waited to see who was the culprit. seeing that it was Andy, i figured that if anyone should have been justified in posting something that insanely huge, it should be him. <shrug> KH> When i moved into this apartment one thing I made sure before i KH> signed the lease was that i could get broadband with a static IP for KH> my box :) maybe for me when i'm working again, but not before. KH> Sorry I just can't relate to only having a dialup.. I can't KH> imagine the pain you must have :) if you would like, i can put things in perspective for you.... i've been playing with dial-ups since '90... my first modem when at a nice quick 1200 baud. :) (yeah, i know some of you Old Timers used to communicate by tapping in Morse on the phone receiver.... <g>) to ME, 56k is nice (been there, before i moved to this "commonwealth"), but i'm not in a position to be complaining too much. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- William Smith wsmith-at-chezsmith-dot-com Fall River, MA http://www.chezsmith.com If fifty million people say a foolish thing, it's still a foolish thing." -- Anatole France * TAG! v3.1 *