May 16, 2007
10:33 p.m.
==> On Wed, 16 May 2007 22:19:14 +0000, brad noyes <maitre@ccs.neu.edu> said: brad> All, brad> here's a summary of what i have tried so far. I have tried using the O_DIRECT brad> and O_SYNC flags with open(2) and i have been using a non-journalling brad> filesystem, ext2. None of these options have yielded any better performance at brad> the rates i'm looking for. brad> I have not tried AIO. AIO will allow you to drive your disk subsystem better than synchronous writes; I really think this would solve your problem. For an example of an AIO app, you can google for aio-stress.c. Or, send me some code and I'll help get you started. -Jeff