Hi Andy,

I am reluctant to add unofficial repositories, not wanting to "pollute" my "pure" installation.

More important question, how do you decide what repositories to trust?  I thought I read something about launchpad apps being unsigned too...

So, I downloaded the official package. (source tarball? I think?)  No integration, grr!  Worse, when I bring up my resume the indent & pagination was off.  That was a dealbreaker, so oo 2.4 for now on Linux.  And I don't see much difference.

randyokc at gmail dot com

Andy Stewart wrote:
Hash: SHA1

James Gray wrote:
This should do the trick for Open Office 3 in 8.04 (code named Hardy Haron):

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ppa/ubuntu hardy main

Do you know how to add this repository in synaptic?  Otherwise you can
look here:


*HOWEVER* in this example the deb line is for a different release then
what you have so you need to use the line I provided above instead.

Good luck and let us know how it goes,


HI Andrew,

I'm not sure if it was clear, but the line that James suggested in his
response needs to be added to the /etc/apt/sources.list file, if I'm not
mistaken.  You are telling the Ubuntu packaging system (apt) where to
find the OpenOffice software package.  There's probably a way to add
this repository via the GUI as well.

After you edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file, you need to update your
package lists, and then if all works correctly, you should be able to
install Open Office 3.mumble.

Let us know how it goes, and then we'll know which blanks to fill in to
help you further.  Good luck!



- --
Andy Stewart, Founder
Worcester Linux Users' Group (http://www.wlug.org)
Chelmsford Linux Meetup Group (http://linux.meetup.com/393)
Amateur Radio:  KB1OIQ
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