7 Jun
7 Jun
2:19 p.m.
Guys, I've got an old home system for the kids. Works fine, but I've only got 768Mb of RAM in it. Anyone got any 512Mb or 1Gb DIMMS they want to sell? DDR, PC2700 is what I need. It's around $30/ea for 1Gb Dimms on newegg, which just isn't justified. It's almost more cost effective to get a new motherboard/cpu/RAM for this system instead. Thanks! John P.S. My Tivo, Series 2 has died finally, after 8+ years. I can't get my original 40Gb disk and mfstools 2.0 backup image to boot. Sigh... could be a power supply issue, but again, is it worth the money to fix or should I just get a premiere instead? --