Mike> Ok...I have it all figured out in my head, now i just need to Mike> start configuring the jobs. When you think you have it figured out, re-read the manuals and examples. Mike> I was able to get a 2nd 35/70 drive, now DLT1 and DLT2 are Mike> options for my backups. Right, that will help. Mike> I can't figure out how to have 1 job write to both either Mike> concurrently, or sequentailly as the job only allows me to pick Mike> 1 or the other. Correct, a single job can only write to one device at a time. It will automatically write to the next available device (I think...) if it's available. So if you have TapeA in drive1 and TapeB in drive2, and they are both in the same Pool, and you have one big job that runs and fills up TapeA, it should start using TapeB to continue the save. If you have multiple jobs running at the same time, you can tweak the "Maximum Concurent Jobs = " Parameter in the bacula-sd.conf file, and also tweak it in the Bacula Director config file. Re-reading the manual again, I'm thinking that I really need to look into Spooling my jobs (only have four total) so that I don't shoe-shine the drive. Of course this means having 10-20gb of free space for this, which is harder. Mike> I tried using: Storage = DLT1, DLT2 and by having 2 Storage Mike> lines in my bacula-dir.conf, but neither worked. Join the bacula-users mailing list for more detailed questions like this. I know that Kern has been improving this aspect of Bacula lately. Whcih version are you running? As an aside, after running Legato(EMC) Networker for many years, bacula's user interface (cli or gui) feels clunky and painful. It's the biggest problem with the software. In general, it works quite well. I just did a restore of data last night spanned across three tapes and besides having to change them, it ran wonderfully. I just wish I had known ahead of time that I would need those tapes.