gstreamer-ugly and gstreamer-bad took care of videos, gstreamer-ffmpeg was the final requirement for mp3s (I had libmad and ffmpeg, but I needed the gstreamer plugin. As for flash, I'm running 64bit so it's not as simple as downloading the file. I know how to put the plugin in the correct directory and make sure via about:plugins, but the nswrapper program isn't wrapping it correctly. Oh well, I have homework to do so I shouldn't be messing with this, although audio is nice to have.
It's been a long time since I've used Fedora, so I don't know the official
way to do stuff, but for flash, you should be able to just download the
linux flash plugin from Adobe, unpack the tarball and copy to your firefox/plugins directory for a system install,
or to your user's .mozilla/plugins directory for a single user. (Create
the plugins directory if it doesn't exist.)
Doing it this way might cause you to miss any automatic updates to flash,
but you can just check periodically for newer versions from Adobe.
For mp3, I think I used to add libmad, but for the past couple of years
(and in Debian) I just add ffmpeg, and everything works.
>> < <>>wrote:
On 07/01/2011 12:04 PM, Eric Martin wrote:
> I added fusion but i didn't know what packages to add. The sites that I
> looked at didn't specify for some reason. Thanks.
> Eric Martin
> On Jul 1, 2011 12:02 PM, "Justin St. Marie" <
>>>>> <>
>>> I'm thinking about switch over to CentOS from Gentoo at work for a few
>>> reasons, two of which are the compile time and the ability to check
> packages
>>> against GPG signatures. That being the case, I decided to convert my
>>> desktop to Fedora so I can get my chops up on yum and the RedHat style
>>> distros. it's going ok and I'm getting pretty good at figuring out
> where to
>>> find things, and I'm even looking at writing an RPM or two where I need
>>> stuff. However, I can't seem to get MP3, Mpeg1 or Mpeg2 playback working,
>>> and I can't get adobe-flash to install via the nspluginwrapper. I've
>>> googled, installed a bunch of packages that people suggested and even
>>> checked what packages I have on my Gentoo system and installed some
> of those
>>> but I'm stuck.
>>> I have Adobe-Flash installed as well as nspluginwrapper, but the
> commands I
>>> find online aren't wrapping the plugin. I installed libmpeg2 and libmpeg3
>>> but I still can't play movies or mp3s. Any suggestions?
>>> thanks,
>>> --
>>> Eric Martin
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Wlug mailing list
>> You will need to add the RPM Fusion repositories. It has a ton of packages
>> that can't get into the Fedora repos due to licensing/proprietary/etc...
>> Here's the link:
>> After you add the repo, I believe the package names are
>> gstreamer-plugins-ugly and gstreamer-plugins-bad. yum search mp3 should
>> also bring these up.
>> Also feel free to pop into #fedora on freenode.
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