Haven't been able to make a LUG meeting in a few months. Hope all are well. I know it's not the focus of WLUG, but have a Windows based, wife tech support issue. She is in Finance, not technology, and therefore only uses Windows 11 laptop provided by her employer. For years she has had a TrueCrypt, and now a VeraCrypt drive she uses for 'eyes only' stuff like resume and private personal item's. Her new employer locks down Windows, not allowing running of an EXE or MSI without an admin password. So I cannot continue trend running Veracrypt as either installed or as Veracrypt portable. Size of files to secure is reasonable at about 550MB today. I am not a fan of USB thumb drives for data reliability long term. To many LT flaky or dropped in puddles. I am thinking an encrypted Internet Drive setup, something like Proton Drive or similar. Any known Windows options for me to try for my wife? Thank you, Joel