Oh yeah, the TP-Link EAP225s were recommended on arstechnica.com about four months or so ago. Ugh... it was back in February. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2020/02/the-ars-technica-semi-scientific-gui... I had thought of getting Ubiquiti WAPS, but the TP-Link EAP-225s were just $50/ea from Amazon, so I got one and then a second. Great buys. And Jim Salter reviews the Seeed Studio box you're thinking of using as well. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2020/08/review-odyssey-x86j4105-a-mini-pc-fo... Here's an older article where they built a home router, and the MicroTik MIPS based router did really well. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2016/09/the-router-rumble-ars-diy-build-face... So they're alot of options. But basically, keep the WAPs seperate from the router, and run cables to them if at all possible, and you'll have a really nice home network. John