"kstratton" == kstratton <kstratton@fastmail.us> writes:
kstratton> Yes, that looks like where I started kstratton> (http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Setup_MythTV)
From the wiki, I found that I need mysql working first. I used:
kstratton> http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/mysql-howto.xml kstratton> 1)emerge -DuN mySql builds fine kstratton> emerge --config =dev-db/mysql-5.0.54 seems to execute as I would kstratton> expect Yeah, that's probably what you wanted. kstratton> 2) /etc/init.d/mysql start was run before I tried 'mysql -u kstratton> root -h localhost -p'. I get an access error with 'mysql kstratton> -u root -h localhost -p'. I know I will eventually have to kstratton> 'rc-update add /etc/init.d/mysql' once I get this working. Here's the problem, what error are you getting? If you can't get the mysql client to talk to the server, then you're stuck. Have you confirmed that the server is running? ps -ef |grep mysql Also, look in /var/log/ for a mysql directory or log file to examine. kstratton> What I am looking for is a guide for mysql so that instruct kstratton> me how to manually configure the installed mySql to the kstratton> point of getting a working mysql prompt (independent of kstratton> linux distribution). This will give me idea of the kstratton> configuration files for mysql and possibly allow me to kstratton> figure out what is broken with the setup. kstratton> I guess my next step is to do some reading at kstratton> http://dev.mysql.com/doc/. For me, linux is just a hobby, kstratton> so this may take awhile. IF I figure what is causing my kstratton> trouble, I will try to give a good description of the kstratton> problem/solution. With my luck, 'emerge --sync;emerge kstratton> world -DuN' will fix this before I get a chance to figure kstratton> what is going on.... The mysql.com docs will probably help you alot, but so should the gentoo docs as well. I forget what the default password for mysql is, but you can certainly google for 'reset mysql root password' and learn how you can start mysql is safe-mode without any password protection so you can reset the privs. John