March 11, 2023
12:56 p.m.
"Keith" == Keith Wright via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> writes:
Keith Wright <kwright@keithdiane.us> writes:
Tim Keller via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> writes:
I'm thinking of moving the next meeting to Thursday of next week since we just had a meeting.
Any objections?
Not here. All days are much the same to me.
This is a test. I answered this question yesterday and asked one of my own. It was sent to the list, but did not come back to me as it usually does.
Maybe Microsoft or Amazon didn't like the link I included.
Does it work this time?
I just saw (and answered!) your previous email. Let me know if you still have questions.