John Stoffel wrote:
Anyone on here using Charter Telephone VOIP service? I've currently got Verizon, but the wife hates it because our phone lines get flaky all the time, esp when it rains.
So I'm thinking to save money and combine all my stuff onto Charter. I've already got High Speed internet and regular old cable. Not wild about Digital Cable since I'm happy with Tivo and I don't want yet another set top box to have to deal with...
So, any horror stories about Charter Phone VOIP quality and service?
Thanks, John
I can't speak to the VOIP side of things, but I will say that I'm running my Series 1 Tivo with comcast digital cable. The thing that makes it mostly bearable is that I can use the data port instead of the IR blaster. Might see if that is an option for you if you end up going the digital cable route. Frank