Tonight is also going to be a test of my A/V setup. I've got a dedicated laptop, with tripod and webcam. Thanks, Tim. On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 3:39 PM John Stoffel <john@stoffel.org> wrote:
"Tim" == Tim Keller via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> writes:
We've got a meeting on Wednesday November 9th! Location: Recreation Center Rm 61. This is not our usual location!! This is the big "gym" building on the quad. Virtual Location: https://meet.jit.si/WlugMA
Topic: Heartbleed, Linux kernel 6.0 getting rusty! FOSS pi based music player. Time: 7pm Snacks and refreshments will be provided and we'll do dinner afterwards!
I can't make it, I've got scouts and thetre rehearsal. Enjoy all!
-- I am leery of the allegiances of any politician who refers to their constituents as "consumers".