On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 14:29:50 -0500 Ken Jones <kjones@ziplink.net> wrote:
I am interested in getting involved in Linux Open Source development.
I am a seventy year old retiree. I started programming on the AN/FSQ7 at MIT's Lincoln Laboratory in 1957. (If you read "Computing in the Middle Ages" by Severo Ornstein, I was there.) I finished by professional work life as a Senior Software Engineer at CISCO Systems in 2003.
First, the Bad News: the number of people who shudder at the term "shuffle the deck" is greatly diminishing. Looking at the way some software is developed these days, that may be a Bad Thing. ;)
I miss the problem solving and the camaraderie of the work place. I wonder whether I can contribute to the development of Linux. How do I start?
The best thing I could suggest is to find a project that interests you, join the development mailing list (if it has one), and ask how you can help. (This will likely be answered in advance by reading that project's TODO list.) There are lots of drivers that need to be written or debugged. Finding something to work on shouldn't be too hard. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- William Smith wsmith-at-chezsmith-dot-com Fall River, MA http://www.chezsmith.com Microsoft Windows doesn't HAVE security holes... It IS a security hole. * TAG! v3.1a *