John Stoffel wrote:
Karl> * >= 5TB disk space Karl> * iSCSI, ATA over Ethernet, or NFS mountable to linux >= 2.6.15
Karl> *RAID (must survive single disk failure) and must know when a failure Karl> happened.
Let me recommend RAID6 to you as well.
Karl> * $$/TB is important.
The most important?
$10K is probably the upper limit.
Karl> * Must be able to sustain minimum 10MB/s disk read on Gbit Karl> network. normally these will be big multimedia files.
That's *slow*, are you sure you didn't drop an order of magnitude here?
Yes I don't need that much speed, but need a lot of space. In reality most solutions out there will have much higher speeds.
Karl> Yes, i know i can buy a linux PC, and slap in 11 or more 500 GB Karl> disks and do this RAID5. Something off the shelf, and easy to Karl> service would be nice.
It's all a question of budget. Getting a box with a bunch of 3ware controllers talking to SATA drives in hot-swap bays might be the ticket. You'll get decent performance too, though not stellar. Software RAID can be faster, but the 3ware can/should insulate you from the hardware hot-swap issues.
Take a look at JetStor, or the ATAbeast boxes. They were around $14k/2Tb three years ago, so they must be cheaper/better now.
Thanks for those ideas. I also found coraid to be reasonably priced. http://coraid.com/products.html
What about backups?
No, need for backups, as this data is from other sources (mainly DVD, CD) , and could be restored from original media. -- -- Karl Hiramoto http://karl.hiramoto.org/