"Kevin" == Kevin Harrington via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> writes:
I have a lab full of Ubuntu 22.04 machines and have (finally) set them all up with AD login via SSSD
You should post your details on how you did this! I use AD at home but my docs (with a client of Linux Mint <recent>) are way way way out of date. It just works though.
As i was testing, new SSSD users were added to the Gnome3 Greeter bage. Somewhere along the way with testing, new users stopped being added to the greeter page. The ones added previously automatically are still there, but new ones are not being added.
I think they need to know their username and type it into the list, and then it just keeps the most recent N number of names in the dropdown. I ran into this myself at one point at home. I think you minght need to poke around in here: https://help.gnome.org/admin/gdm/3.12/configuration.html.en and see what you find. How many logins do you want to show? Look in /etc/gdm/custom.conf and add this to the [greeter] section: [greeter] IncludeAll=true It might do the trick.
I was wondering what configurations effects this behavior? I want the little kids names added to the list so they can just click on their name and enter their password.
Here is my setup script: https://github.com/BancroftSchoolOpenSource/UbuntuSetupScript
Looks ok, though I see some wierd chmod 777 ... ; do some stuff; chmod 755 ... ; things in there which strike me as odd.