I know it's been mentioned, but wanted to point to two instances of it I use frequently and offer some additional feedback.
There's the "premier" one, which is at https://meet.jit.si/ and is very often running the very latest version.
The Mayfirst COOP also hosts an instance at
https://meet.mayfirst.org/ This doesn't tend to be upgraded quite
so frequently, so unless it lands on a poor version, it's a great
one to use.
Usually "just works" on phone/desktop fine. It can be a little
glitchy, and has not often performed very well for my coop more
than about 10 participants or so. Desktop sharing, video, audio,
and chat as well as other features all function well on GNU/Linux
save for some difficulty I had with Sway WM/Wayland (which may
well have been my shortcoming). I'm not sure how dependent the
limits we've seen are dependent upon the infrastructure available,
but I'm told it's not terribly difficult to deploy an instance,
but have yet to try myself.
FWIW, nearly every time, a quick page refresh (or two) for whomever is having issues gets things working.
TBH, it's best to have a backup connection when using Jitsi (i.e. text msg, etherpad, or IRC or whatever), or else to work with more experienced users - e.g. those that will notice a message/open the chat pane to read that they cannot be heard and to either un-mute or else refresh their page.
I have never used this software, but apparently nextcloud can do some kind of video conferencing with their package call “spreed"https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed
On Mar 25, 2020, at 10:55, Krichevsky, Nicholas J. via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> wrote:
_______________________________________________How much do you care about it being *VIDEO* by the way? If it's not important, there's always Mumble...
From: Michael Voorhis via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2020 10:53:52 AM
To: Worcester Linux Users' Group General Discussion <wlug@lists.wlug.org>
Cc: Voorhis, Michael C <mvoorhis@wpi.edu>; Joshua Stone <joshua.gage.stone@gmail.com>
Subject: [EXT] [WLUG] Re: Free, viable videoconferencing ?On 3/25/20 10:38 AM, Joshua Stone via WLUG wrote:
> Zoom is a good option if using a Pro subscription.
We're digressing a bit from the discussion-topic which is *free*
videoconferencing. My email was in retrospect ambiguous; I made
assumptions based on the listenership of my email.
I was asking about FOSS videoconferencing. Jitsi appears to be the only
answer at this point.
Thanks all,
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