Hey Everybody, We've got a meeting today! Date/Time May 8th, 2024, 7PM Location: Technocopia, 44 Portland St. Virtual Location: https://jitsi.uvhash.org/WlugMA (Instance is up and running!) Topic(s): Latest version of KiCAD? Ondsel CAD: Ramifications of a company pumping money into FreeCAD.. but they're fixing bugs? IBM eats another cloud tool.. Time to embrace the Tofu? Live I might log into Digital Ocean and spin up a zulip instance! As usual, the conversation is always lively, and we always end up talking about all manner of interesting stuff. Snacks and refreshments (Grape Fanta!) will be provided and we'll head off to dinner afterwards! Later, Tim. -- I am leery of the allegiances of any politician who refers to their constituents as "consumers".