If you become desperate with this, it might be worth the time to confirm that your SD card is accepting writes. Creating a text file then verifying that it is still there on reboot should be sufficient. When I had the sd card issue with my PI3 it was otherwise silent (it must have been working from ram). I have heard that SD cards can fail where they stop accepting all writes after too many writes to them. Otherwise, I not of any help. It has been a LONG time since I have used depmod and related, which I assume will be needed to update the kernel modules. On 10/11/2023 7:58 PM, Mike Long via WLUG wrote:
I installed Debian 12 on a PI4. I got rtl_433 working and receiving data while connected to the pi4 using ssh. Once that was accomplished I rebooted via "sudo shutdown -r now" to verify that all the settings would survive a reboot. When the pi rebooted it was no longer available on the network. I connected to the pi4 console directly and received this message at the login screen "filtering via arp/ip/ip6tables is no longer available by default".
I am new to debian and not having ifconfig available is a real handicap for me. Can someone please offer some advice or point me to resources that will help me fix this issue. Searching the internet has not offered any helpful resources so far.
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