1. Thanks to the hints from this group, I was able to get the ALSA sound driver modules installed on my RedHat 7.1 box. (The subwoofer sounds great.) Now, since I'm a newbie WRT adding modules, I don't know the _right_ way to get them to load at boot. Right now, I just added some modprobe lines to /etc/rc.d/rc.local, but I suspect that's not right. (I did add some options lines to /etc/modules.conf, but since the syntax is unfamiliar to me, I did not see a way to actually load the module -- perhaps insmod?) So, what's the right way to load a module at boot? 2. What's the best place to get started to be able to receive web radio broadcasts? I haven't found anything very helpful in the RH distro. Maybe I'm not looking for the right thing? TIA, Bill