I've seen some Discord servers that incorporate integration between Telegram and Matrix (the openSUSE server comes to mind), but it is a labour of love and not anything built into the platforms themselves. They're really just fancy bot-hacks to make it look like certain people are talking. Matrix is the most open of the three, as it allows self-hosting and has "bridge" integration as a major feature (the aforementioned openSUSE example is one such integration). From what I can tell, Matrix is really just the answer to the privatization of chat we see from companies like Slack and Discord (which are both highly, highly successful, especially with us youngings). I don't know of anyone who uses it full time, other than Linux folks (but hey, I guess that's what this mailing list is for :) )

I've had some nice success with IRCCloud if I want a persistent connection on a mobile device, but it's not perfect (and is not free for > 2h connections). I've resorted to some of the more classic methods of using bouncers like ZNC for persistent IRC connections.

From: Keith Wright via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org>
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2020 7:13 PM
To: Worcester Linux Users' Group General Discussion <wlug@lists.wlug.org>
Cc: wlug@lists.wlug.org <wlug@lists.wlug.org>; Anderson, Charles R <cra@wpi.edu>; joshua.gage.stone@gmail.com <joshua.gage.stone@gmail.com>; Keith Wright <kwright@keithdiane.us>
Subject: [EXT] [WLUG] Re: [EXT] The future of WLUG
"joshua.gage.stone--- via WLUG" <wlug@lists.wlug.org> writes:

> I think IRC would've been a great choice about a decade ago,

I used IRC once; it worked.  I have no idea what  Discord, Matrix, Telegram,
etc. are.  Do they interoperate?  Are they open standards?  RFC-NNNN?

>  IRC essentially pushes implementation onto the client and/or need
>  a bouncer  to get features you'd get for free in other services.

I think you just said that all of it is run from a central "server"
that is under control of ???

> You practically need a personal cloud

Personal computer should suffice.  Unless mistakes were made.

> especially if you're on a mobile device that can't maintain an active
> connection at all times. You also need a bot if you want any kind of
> features like link previews.

OK.  Carry on.  I am happy without bot chats.

   -- Keith
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