I just got a Raspberry Pi 2 in a few days ago... I haven't had time to tinker with it yet. ;-) 


On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 7:30 PM, Chuck Anderson <cra@wpi.edu> wrote:
I could bring my ODROID-C1 in, which is similar to Raspberry Pi 2, but
with some extra features.  We might even have a Raspberry Pi 2 to
bring in to compare with.

I just upgraded my FreeNAS and loaded the newest Logitech Media Server
onto it.  I've been reading about how you can run LMS, SqueezeBox
emulator clients, and AirPlay-compatible servers on RPi, ODROID, etc.
Perhaps I could demo something along those lines.  LMS + SqueezeLite
allows you to create a whole-house synchronized audio system with
multiple listening points over Wi-Fi or ethernet (or each client can
stream different things).

On Mon, Mar 02, 2015 at 05:36:40PM -0500, Tim Keller wrote:
> Hey Everybody!
> The next WLUG meeting is Thursday March 12th at 7pm in the mid century room
> (rm 331)!  As of right now, I don't have a speaker lined up!
> If anybody has an ache to present something, have at it.  Otherwise, we
> could do an open discussion meeting since we haven't had one of those in a
> while.
> I know in the past there's been some serious interest in what can be done
> with a raspberry pi.
> Like always they'll be refreshments and snacks followed by an egregious
> consumption of pizza.
> Thanks,
> Tim.
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